Getting the most out of your powered wheelchair lithium-ion battery

Is your battery losing charge quickly on your electric wheelchair? Does your electric wheelchair battery keep dying after short journyes? If so, follow this guide for our lithium ion batteries that power the electric wheelchair.

The battery is vital to the chair and is necessary for the functioning of the chair. Hence, it is very important to look after the battery and get the most out of it. Below, I will provide steps on how to get the most out of your battery.

The first way and easiest way to do so is by charging it to full capacity upon arrival. Every customer purchasing a wheelchair should always do this. This will get the most out of the battery and give it time to get the battery to the best capacity. Additionally, the first five charging cycles should reach full charge and should be used until the battery left is below 20%. This way you can ensure the battery is working at its best level and is calibrating to your wheelchair. Once you have done this for the first five battery cycles, then you can charge and use the chair to the level you would like.

Another way to get the most out of your battery is to regularly charge the battery when you are not using the chair. You should aim to charge the battery every 2 weeks at the minimum. When charged regularly and used more often, then it will last longer. If you don’t use or charge the battery, then it is more susceptible to being damaged. Over time, the overall performance of the chair will decrease, and the lifespan of the chair will also decrease.

Lastly, the battery needs to be stored at room temperature. Keeping the battery below room temperature or at higher temperatures will damage the battery cells permanently and won’t be able to be recovered. Even if you kept the battery at a colder temperature overnight, it would still affect the battery and would cause damage to the overall lifespan of the battery. You will notice this overtime.

Therefore, we emphasise the importance of taking care of the battery because it is vital to the running of the chair and the better you look after the battery, the longer it will last you.

If you would like any advice on the most suitable model of a wheelchair for you or would like to enquire about one of our products, please call us at 0121 661 4336 or send us an email at

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