Which electric wheelchair is best for me?

Are all the powerchair options overwhelming? Are you unsure which electric wheelchair is the most suitable for you? I hope we can guide you through the process and find the best electric wheelchair for you!

Finding the right chair can be a confusing and long-winded process, however, it’s important you research and answer all the questions to find the correct powerchair. Hopefully, this guide can help grant you freedom of movement!

The first couple of questions to ask yourself will you be lifting the wheelchair? And if so, who will be lifting the wheelchair? It is important to determine who lifts the wheelchair because then you can understand if the person or you will be able to manage lifting the powerchair. Our chairs range from 18kg to 29kg. Can you lift this weight? The Freedom Pro and Freedom Elite wheelchairs weigh 29kg and we advise 2 people to lift these wheelchairs together. If you can’t lift 29kg or don't have any support (Freedom Pro or Freedom Elite), then the LitePro 2 or LiteMax 2 (18kg-20kg) may be more suitable. However, we still advise 2 people to lift these wheelchairs together.

Once you have determined whether you can lift the chair or not, then we need to consider the weight of the user. This is important because different chairs have different weight capacities. Some of our chairs have a maximum capacity of 25 stones and some of them have a maximum capacity of 18 stones, hence, it is important to consider your weight. The closer you are to the weight capacity, the more the performance of the wheelchair will be impacted.

Lastly, where will you use the electric wheelchair? The Freedom Pro and Freedom Elite are multi-terrain chairs and, therefore, can handle different challenges such as bumps and inclines. The LitePro 2 and LiteMax 2 are also multi-terrain wheelchairs, however, as they are lighter wheelchairs, you may feel the bumps during the journey a little more. As they are lighter wheelchairs, they require more skill to tackle curbs and cambers. It is important to consider where and how you will use the powerchair because these will determine the performance of each chair.

These factors are all important to consider when purchasing one of our wheelchairs. The Freedom Pro and Freedom Elite wheelchairs are heavier wheelchairs but can handle heavier weights, as well as being able to handle multiple terrains. The LitePro 2 and LiteMax 2 chairs are lighter wheelchairs, however, they may not fit within your weight and require more skill to use. 

The Freedom Pro and Freedom Elite wheelchairs also have different variations. These variations are Automatic Folding, Automatic Reclining and Manual Reclining. The frame of the wheelchair remains the same, however you have the option of these variations. 

Case Study: Judy is looking for a new powered wheelchair, however, she will be lifting the chair alone, therefore she can only lift a lighter load. Judy also weighs 11 stones and only intends on using the chair inside the house and for shopping trips at her local supermarket. Based on this information, we know that the Ultra Lightweight (LitePro 2 and LiteMax 2) chairs would be suitable because it is easier to lift and will fulfil her needs.  

If you would like any advice on the most suitable model of a wheelchair for you or would like to enquire about one of our products, please call us at 0121 661 4336 or send us an email at support@etechmobility.co.uk

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